
Sin and Salvation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Originally written to educate South Indian teachers in the basics of the Gospel, this primer by Lesslie Newbigin addresses the unique misunderstandings of the Tamil people to whom Newbigin ministered. The Tamil language was so limited, says Newbigin, that 1 Timothy 1:15 might as well be translated, “Christ Jesus came into the world to provide free board and lodging to rascals!” With this...

unruffled by wind, and the moon not covered by cloud, the image will shine out clear and beautiful. But if a cloud comes between the moon and the earth, the image will disappear or if the water is ruffled by wind, the image will be scattered and distorted. Thus the image of the moon in the water does not belong to the water in the same way that the image of the king on the coin belongs to the coin. The image depends upon a certain relation between the moon and the water. If this relation is broken,
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